Important notes: * This letter can be posted, emailed or taken in person to the council * Get independent advice. Shelter’s national helpline is 0808 800 4444. Or search for a legal aid provider online at * Information about the help councils must give you is available at [Your address] Tel: [Your telephone number] Email: [Your email address] [Council department, e.g. Housing Options Team] [Council address] [Date] By [hand / post / email to [insert email address]] Dear Sir/Madam Homelessness application I want to apply for housing and for help with finding housing because I am [homeless / at risk of homelessness]. I [lost my housing / am due to lose my current housing] on [date] because [say why you lost or are losing your housing, e.g. I was locked out of my home / a notice from my landlord is expiring / my parents have asked me to move out]. Please: * contact me urgently to confirm the date and time of an appointment with a homelessness assessment officer, and * confirm a homelessness application is being taken under Part 7 of the Housing Act 1996. The following people currently live with me: [Name], aged [age], my [describe relationship to you, e.g. partner / father / daughter / carer etc] [Name], aged [age], my [relationship to you] [Insert the following paragraph only if you wish to live people who aren’t currently living with you] The following people would live with me if I had suitable housing: [Name], aged [age], my [describe relationship to you, e.g. partner / father / daughter / carer etc] [Name], aged [age], my [relationship to you] I look forward to hearing from you shortly. Yours faithfully [Your name] E_HLESS_APP_01 From homeless applicant to council Homelessness application