
Ending s.73 relief duty but s.68 interim accommodation duty continues, because outstanding decision on whether full s.75 duty owed

A letter for ending the s.73 relief duty, because:

  • 56 days has passed, or
  • The Council has taken reasonable steps to help the applicant obtain housing.

But where:

  • No decision has yet been made on whether the full s.75 duty is owed (e.g. because inquiries into priority need or intentionality are ongoing), and
  • As a result, the s.68 interim accommodation duty continues for the time being.

This letter makes use of how HWA 2014 section 69(3)(a) is worded. See the words "decided...that a duty is or is not owed to the applicant under section 75..."

Country Wales

User Social Landlord or Local Authority

Subject Homelessness

Document Type Letter

Ending s.73 relief duty but s.68 interim accommodation duty continues, because outstanding decision on whether full s.75 duty owed
  • .docx
  • .pdf
  • .txt


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