
Inviting homeless applicant to consent to referral to social services, because may be ineligible or not owed a housing duty (section 96 referral duty)

There is a duty to invite a homeless applicant to consent to details of their case being referred to social services where:

  • there are children in their household, and
  • they may be homeless, but a duty under section 68, 73 or 75 is unlikely to be owed, or
  • they may be threatened with homelessness, but the section 66 prevention duty is unlikely to be owed.

This letter enables you to invite the applicant to consent to such a referral, explains why you have to have to do this, and briefly explains what help social services may offer if a referral is made.

Country Wales

User Social Landlord or Local Authority

Subject Homelessness

Document Type Letter

Inviting homeless applicant to consent to referral to social services, because may be ineligible or not owed a housing duty (section 96 referral duty)
  • .docx
  • .pdf
  • .txt


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