
Refusing a request for temporary accommodation pending the outcome of a section 85 homelessness review (Mohammed decision)

The Court of Appeal has laid down detailed guidance governing how local authorities must consider requests by homeless applicants for temporary accommodation pending the outcome of a section 85 review (see R v Camden LBC ex p Mohammed (1997), CA)

In appropriate cases councils must also consider the duty to have regard to the need to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, and the public sector equality duty.

This letter provides a template which helps you to ensure that a refusal of accommodation pending review addresses all those matters that you're obliged to consider.

Country Wales

User Social Landlord or Local Authority

Subject Homelessness

Document Type Letter

Refusing a request for temporary accommodation pending the outcome of a section 85 homelessness review (Mohammed decision)
  • .docx
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  • .txt


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