Category: Homelessness Reduction Act 2017
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Learning from mistakes - Ombudsman report on homelessness
Homelessness letters index
Letters for ending the main housing duty
Non-cooperation procedure
Letters for ending the homeless relief duty
Local connection referral procedures updated
Refusing to apply the sanction? Some thoughts on non-cooperation (and some letters)
Letters for ending the homelessness prevention duty
Notifying a homeless applicant that the prevention duty has ended and the relief duty is owed
Free HRA letters - inferring an application has been withdrawn when no contact
Letters & forms: reviewing the initial homelessness assessment and plan
Free templates: avoiding the relief duty by seeking a referral on local connection grounds
Free HRA 2017 templates: a housing plan & notifying the initial s.189A homelessness assessment
HRA 2017 template letters: ineligible and not homeless decisions
First contact housing advice & homelessness template letters
Homelessness Code of Guidance now available as pdf
Homeless Code of Guidance & regulations issued
Regulations bringing the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 into force
Fresource Friday: Homelessness (Suitability of Accommodation) (England) Order 2012 (as it will be amended)
Housing Act 1996 Part 7 as amended by the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017
Homelessness Reduction Bill to receive Royal Assent - and an example of why it's needed
Dispatched to the sharp end
Homelessness Reduction Bill - more help at the council?