
Recently published articles

Refusing to apply the sanction? Some thoughts on non-cooperation (and some letters)

Refusing to apply the sanction? Some thoughts on non-cooperation (and some letters)


Some thoughts on whether the non-cooperation sanction is likely to be used by homelessness managers. And some letters for ending the prevention and relief duty because a homeless applicant has refused to take a step in their housing plan.

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Letters for ending the homelessness prevention duty

Letters for ending the homelessness prevention duty


Letters are now available for ending the homelessness prevention duty under section 195 of the Housing Act 1996. A different template is available for each of the grounds on which the prevention duty can be discharged.

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Section 21 checker tool updated

Section 21 checker tool updated


A revised version of my section 21 checker tool has been placed in the Resources section.

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Notifying a homeless applicant that the prevention duty has ended and the relief duty is owed

Notifying a homeless applicant that the prevention duty has ended and the relief duty is owed


Free template letters for notifying homeless applicants that the prevention duty has ended when they become homeless.

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Free HRA letters - inferring an application has been withdrawn when no contact

Free HRA letters - inferring an application has been withdrawn when no contact


Free template letters for ending the homelessness prevention or relief duty when an applicant withdraws their application. Plus a 'minded to' letter when you've lost contact with an applicant and are considering treating their application as withdrawn.

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Letters & forms: reviewing the initial homelessness assessment and plan

Letters & forms: reviewing the initial homelessness assessment and plan


Today's free documents ​help homeless officers notify the applicant when the initial s.189A assessment or housing plan has changed.

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Free templates: avoiding the relief duty by seeking a referral on local connection grounds

Free templates: avoiding the relief duty by seeking a referral on local connection grounds


Today's free documents are for when, as a homeless officer, you wish to avoid the s.189B(2) relief duty on the basis that the applicant's case can be referred to another council on local connection grounds.

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Problems with downloading free documents?

Problems with downloading free documents?


We had a little problem on the website in the last few days, which affected users' ability to download free documents. You should now be able to download the free letters and forms for the Homelessness Reduction Act.

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