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Watch your steps

Watch your steps


A recent county court homelessness appeal illustrates the nature and extent of a council's obligations under the Review Procedure Regulations 1999 when reviewing a decision under section 202 of the Housing Act 1996.

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Fresource Friday: various housing options letters & forms

Fresource Friday: various housing options letters & forms


Some letters and forms for housing option teams that are available again to download for free for a limited period.

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Fresource Friday: housing options letters to a private landlord about a section 21 notice

Fresource Friday: housing options letters to a private landlord about a section 21 notice


Do you work for a housing options team? Do you often need to write to private landlords when housing applicants have received a section 21 notice? If so, you might find these letters useful.

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Fresource Friday: A guide to the new homelessness duties

Fresource Friday: A guide to the new homelessness duties


A free guide to the duties English councils will owe homeless people once the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 amends Part 7 of the Housing Act 1996.

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Fresource Friday: Notice to Quit by tenant

Fresource Friday: Notice to Quit by tenant


A letter enabling periodic tenants to give notice to quit.

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Four new housing law titles from Legal Action Group

Four new housing law titles from Legal Action Group


A review of four books from Legal Action Group.

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Fresource Friday: letter quashing homelessness decision

Fresource Friday: letter quashing homelessness decision


A letter to use when a homeless applicant has requested that you review a decision that was clearly deficient and you wish the decision to be quashed and made again.

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Fresource Friday: Surrender of tenancy form

Fresource Friday: Surrender of tenancy form


A form you can use to evidence the end of a tenancy by mutual agreement.

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